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Why Is Pork Unpopular In India?

27 Aug 2023

Pork is a type of meat that is not widely consumed in India, compared to other meats. This article will examine the religious and cultural factors that contribute to its unpopularity among Indians.

Additionally, it will consider the possibility for change in the future. Through this exploration, a better understanding of why pork is largely excluded from Indian cuisine can be gained.

The consumption of pork has been historically discouraged in many parts of India due to religious and cultural influences. It is prohibited according to various Hindu scriptures such as Manu Smriti and Yajurveda, which advocate vegetarianism as an ideal lifestyle choice for Hindus.

In addition, Muslims are required to adhere to a strict halal diet that forbids them from consuming pork products. Thus, these two major religions have had a significant impact on the dietary choices of Indians throughout history.


Religious and Cultural Factors

Culturally, the consumption of pork is largely seen as taboo in India due to its association with religious beliefs. Hindus and Muslims are both prohibited from consuming pork, so it is widely avoided throughout the country.

For Hindus, this prohibition comes from a variety of scriptures that contain passages prohibiting them from eating pork. These include verses from the Vedas and Upanishads, which prohibit not only eating pork but also having any contact with pigs whatsoever.

Muslims also abstain from eating pork for religious reasons; their Quran forbids it outright.

In addition to these religious prohibitions, there are cultural taboos around consuming pork in India that have become entrenched over centuries of practice. Pork has traditionally been linked to certain lower-caste populations who were believed to subsist mainly on pig meat and other scavenged food items. As such, many high-caste people choose to avoid it out of fear of being associated with those groups or associating themselves with uncleanliness or impurity.


Potential for Change in the Future

It is possible that attitudes towards this particular type of meat may shift in the future. Despite religious and cultural reasons for pork being unpopular in India, current trends suggest a potential change in attitude due to socioeconomic factors.

The rise of fast-food outlets and international restaurants has had an influence on many young people, who have adopted western diets with more openness to pork dishes. This suggests that there could be a greater acceptance of pork as India becomes increasingly exposed to global culture.

In addition, a growing middle class could lead to more people having access to imported meats such as bacon and sausages which are not traditionally available in India. Already some supermarkets are selling these products at higher prices than traditional Indian meats like lamb or chicken, indicating that there is potential for further growth in the market for this type of meat.

Consequently, with greater flexibility towards dietary preferences among different sections of society, it may be feasible for the popularity of pork in India to increase over time.

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